Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not Such A Fairytale Ending

Rodreigo sets himself up to fight Cassio; He stands waiting for him to come out from his night with Bianca and then he will strike.  Cassio comes out, and Roderigo stabs at him but fails to pierce through Cassio’s armor.  Cassio stabs and wounds Roderigo. Iago comes out, stabs Cassio in the achilles tendon, and runs away.  Cassio falls to the ground in pain screaming, Othello hears and figures he is dead so he goes to finish his business with Desdemona.  Othello walks down the hall and blows out all of the candles which signifies the ending of life. Then, he stands over Desdemona while she is sleeping and prepares to kill her.  He kisses her one last time but she wakes up and he tells her to prepare to die.  Desdemona asks her husband why he means to kill her, and Othello responds that she has been unfaithful to him with Cassio—he has seen the proof in the handkerchief.  Othello refuses to believe Desdemona’s denial of the charge, saying that Cassio has confessed but he is now dead.  Desdemona begins to weep for Cassio, which only drives Othello to become even more mad.  Wrestling with her as she begs to be allowed to live just a little longer, Othello finally succeeds in smothering his wife.  Othello is so upset when Emilia comes in and mentions the handkercheif as proof.  Iago walks in and hears Emilia saying that she stole the handkercheif and gave it to Iago and Iago probably planted it in Cassio's room.  Iago freaks out and stabs her in the stomach.  Emilia dies, then Othello freaks out on Iago and stabs him in the stomach but only wounds him.  Iago says, "I bleed sir, but not killed."  Cassio secretly slips Othello a dagger and Othello stabs himself and he dies.  Emilia is layed next to Desdemona and Othello lays next to the both of them.  Then Iago sits at the end of the bed with the three that are dead.  Later on letters written by Rodreigo are found, they are about all of the plans of Iago.  Desdemona and Othello's bodies were dropped into the bottom of the ocean

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